Delta Geotech

Geotechnical Consulting 


"Unfortunately, soils are made by nature and not by man, and the products of nature are always complex." Terzagi. 

Residential, Schools and Clinics 

Phase 1 and Phase 2 housing investigations according to GFSH-2 specifications for residential, schools, hospitals and clinics.

Materials Investigations

Locating and investigating natural material sources such as quarries and borrow pits.

Tender Documentation

Tender compilation, specification, quantities, adjudication and contract supervision.

Slope Stability

Assessment of fill embankments, soil and rock slopes and deep excavations with the option of lateral support design.

Renewable Power and Energy

Site investigations for green energy - wind farms, solar PV and hydro electric plants.

Industrial and Commercial

Foundation investigations for shopping centres, warehousing and industrial developments.

Roads and Railways

Road and railway centreline investigations assessing subgrade conditions and foundations for bridges, culverts, cattle creeps etc.

Bulk Water Schemes

Geotechnical investigations for dams, weirs, pipelines, reservoirs and pump stations.


Foundation investigations for transmission towers, sub-stations and associated infrastructure. Centreline investigations for fibre optic routes.

About Us

Delta Geotech (Pty) Ltd, established in 2017, has branches in Cape Town, East London and Port Elizabeth. The firm gains it's experience from professionally registered and experienced geotechnical engineers and engineering geologists with in excess of 25 years of industry experience. It is the hands on approach of these professionals that ensures attention to detail within all geotechnical realms.

Combining the experience of current employees and consultants we are able to provide specialist input into geotechnics for windfarms, dams, quarries, roads, pipelines and related infrastructure, landfills, cemeteries, powerlines and related substations, solar power generation plants, hydro-electric schemes, design services for foundations, piles, lateral support, basal reinforcement, ground improvement and earthworks, stability of slopes (soil and rock), and retaining structures.

Through hands on experience, by qualified tertiary educated staff, Delta Geotech provides thorough, yet cost effective solutions, for our clients. 

Client Testimonials

Mr. Shaun Peard

Mariswe / UWP

"UWP Consulting (Pty) Ltd was appointed by the South African National Roads Agency SOC limited, for the three sections of national roads.

As part of these appointments UWP Consulting were required to engage the services of a specialist sub-service provider to undertake the geotechnical investigations and provide specialist input to the location of and quality of material sources required for the project. In addition they were to provide specialist advice on founding conditions for structures and retaining walls. They were also required to manage the drilling contracts on each of the projects.

The primary criterion in selection of the geotechnical engineer, apart from costs, was the degree to which the service provider was able to demonstrate appropriate knowledge and expertise.

The projects are currently well advanced in the design phases and to date the service from Delta Geotech (Pty) Ltd has been excellent. Their knowledge and understanding of the projects and processes is evident in the manner in which they have managed their aspects of the projects.

We have no hesitation in recommending their services to you."

Mr. Pieter Marx  

Bosch Projects

"As part of our professional team, Bosch Projects (Pty) Ltd worked with Delta Geotech (Pty) Ltd, for more than a year on the Beacon Bay and Gonubie Link road Project.

We have found their work to be of the highest standard and Matthew Jones to be very knowlegeable, relaible and a man of integrity.

We have no hesitation to recommend their professional services." 

Mr. Herman Pietersen

Nakho Iliso

"We have been dealing with Matthew Jones in the past and have had the opportunity to utilise his services through his company, Delta Geotech, recently. 

We have found the company and Matthew to be professional and competent in their field and will not hesitate to utilize them again." 

Offering Geotech pre-tender compilation and specification advice 

Head Office - East London

Delta Geotech - East London

123 Western Avenue, Ocean View

(043) 721 - 1502

Cape Town

Delta Geotech

The Piazza On Church Square - Cape Town

081 586 7378

Phone number or email address